This workshop is part of a celebration of the intellectual contributions of Maria Luisa Zubizarreta to the field of linguistics and is particularly focused on her most current research questions. The workshop will officially launch the publication of Exploring Interfaces (edited by Mónica Cabrera and José Camacho, Cambridge University Press), in honor of Maria Luisa Zubizarreta. Financial support has been supplied by the Jean-Roger Vergnaud Memorial Fund and the Department of Linguistics, University of Southern California.
We invite papers that address, among others, the following questions:
(a) What is the nature of person features on nominals and functional projections? How do they differ formally from other features on nominals and functional projections such as number and gender?
(b) What is the relationship between person features and case?
(c) What is the relation between person features and agreement?
(d) Is the frequently distinctive behavior of person agreement derivable from a single syntactic constraint as proposed by Baker’s SCOPA (2008, 2011)?
(e) What is the role of person features in finiteness?
(f) What is the role of person in closest conjunct agreement and other apparently linearity-based agreement effects?
(g) Do person features require special licensing (e.g., Bejar and Rezac 2009, a.o.)?
(h) What feature geometries do person features participate in (e.g., Harley and Ritter 2002, Ackema and Neeleman 2013, Harbour 2016)
(i) Which aspects of the interaction of person and argument structure are universal? Which are language specific? How is variation in person-sensitive systems to be accounted for?
(j)What is the role of person and perspective in the licensing of anaphors that are exempt from binding theory (e.g., Maling 1984, Sells 1987, Pollard & Sag 1992, Reinhart & Reuland 1993, Huang and Liu 2001, Charnavel and Sportiche 2016, Sundaresan 2016, a.o.)
(k) How are person-sensitive phenomena linked to logophoricity (e.g., Sells 1987, Kuno 1987, a.o.)
(l) How are the phenomena of PCC and the Clitic Logophoric Restriction related (e.g., Charnavel and Mateu 2015)?
(m) what is the role of person and perspective in control (e.g., Landau 2015 a.o,)
(n) What do the phenomena of imposters, and imposters and agreement tell us about person? (e.g., Collins & Postal 2012, Collins 2014, a.o.)
(o) What is the role of person features in the analysis of evidentiality (e.g., Speas 2004, 2010, a.o.)
(p) How do person-sensitive systems behave diachronically? How does the history of such systems illuminate our understanding of person and/or perspective?
(q) How is perspective encoded in predicates of personal taste (e.g., Lasersohn 2005, Pearson 2013, Stephenson 2007, a.o.)
(r) How is anchoring to the speech event accomplished by person, tense and spatial deixis (e.g., Ritter and Wiltschko 2014, a.o.)
Abstract deadline: DEADLINE EXTENDED. NEW DEADLINE IS: January 31st, 2019
Length: 2 pages, including examples and references
Submission through EasyChair:
An edited volume of selected papers from the workshop is planned.
We invite papers that address, among others, the following questions:
(a) What is the nature of person features on nominals and functional projections? How do they differ formally from other features on nominals and functional projections such as number and gender?
(b) What is the relationship between person features and case?
(c) What is the relation between person features and agreement?
(d) Is the frequently distinctive behavior of person agreement derivable from a single syntactic constraint as proposed by Baker’s SCOPA (2008, 2011)?
(e) What is the role of person features in finiteness?
(f) What is the role of person in closest conjunct agreement and other apparently linearity-based agreement effects?
(g) Do person features require special licensing (e.g., Bejar and Rezac 2009, a.o.)?
(h) What feature geometries do person features participate in (e.g., Harley and Ritter 2002, Ackema and Neeleman 2013, Harbour 2016)
(i) Which aspects of the interaction of person and argument structure are universal? Which are language specific? How is variation in person-sensitive systems to be accounted for?
(j)What is the role of person and perspective in the licensing of anaphors that are exempt from binding theory (e.g., Maling 1984, Sells 1987, Pollard & Sag 1992, Reinhart & Reuland 1993, Huang and Liu 2001, Charnavel and Sportiche 2016, Sundaresan 2016, a.o.)
(k) How are person-sensitive phenomena linked to logophoricity (e.g., Sells 1987, Kuno 1987, a.o.)
(l) How are the phenomena of PCC and the Clitic Logophoric Restriction related (e.g., Charnavel and Mateu 2015)?
(m) what is the role of person and perspective in control (e.g., Landau 2015 a.o,)
(n) What do the phenomena of imposters, and imposters and agreement tell us about person? (e.g., Collins & Postal 2012, Collins 2014, a.o.)
(o) What is the role of person features in the analysis of evidentiality (e.g., Speas 2004, 2010, a.o.)
(p) How do person-sensitive systems behave diachronically? How does the history of such systems illuminate our understanding of person and/or perspective?
(q) How is perspective encoded in predicates of personal taste (e.g., Lasersohn 2005, Pearson 2013, Stephenson 2007, a.o.)
(r) How is anchoring to the speech event accomplished by person, tense and spatial deixis (e.g., Ritter and Wiltschko 2014, a.o.)
Abstract deadline: DEADLINE EXTENDED. NEW DEADLINE IS: January 31st, 2019
Length: 2 pages, including examples and references
Submission through EasyChair:
An edited volume of selected papers from the workshop is planned.